Monday, February 21, 2011

How to Making Money

It was a nice idea. Today the unemployment rate is hovering above 9 percent—better than it would have been without the stimulus, most experts agree, but still painfully high. Why didn’t we get more for our money?

While liberals and conservatives alike blame the stimulus itself—It wasn’t big enough! It was never going to work!—the problem may have more to do with how the money was spent. It’s not enough just to inject money into infrastructure, because not all transportation funding is created equal—or at least, it doesn’t create jobs at an equal rate. As any infrastructure policy wonk can tell you, money spent on fixing up existing systems or building mass transit delivers more jobs, and faster, than building new highways. With their wallets bulging with their federal allowance, the states were allowed to spend $26.6 billion of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act money however they saw fit.

A new study shows that most states didn’t end up making the most of the windfall. The report by the transportation research group Smart Growth America found that states spent more than a third of the money on building new roads—rather than working on public transportation and fixing up existing roads and bridges. The result of the indiscriminate spending? States missed out on potentially thousands of new jobs—and bridges, roads, and overpasses around the country are still crumbling. Meanwhile, the states that did put dollars toward public transportation were richly rewarded: Each dollar used on transit was 75 percent more effective at putting people to work than a dollar used for highway work.

The government meant to get the biggest bang for its buck, with “shovel-ready projects.” But building miles of new roads requires planning, land acquisition, and other lengthy steps that put fewer workers on the job immediately.

Mandel Ngan / Getty Images

The government, of course, meant to get the biggest bang for its buck. The stimulus bill forced states to spend their allocated cash quickly, which was intended to get them to fund maintenance needs—“shovel-ready projects”—that had already been identified. Building miles of new roads, on the other hand, requires planning, land acquisition, and other lengthy steps that put fewer workers on the job immediately.

Some states did that. Sue Minter, Vermont’s deputy transportation secretary, says a longstanding “fix-it-first” policy for infrastructure and bipartisan collaboration shaped Vermont’s decisions about how to use the funds. The state spent all of its highway money on system maintenance, with a small amount going to mass transit. (Minter, a Democrat, was a member of the state legislature at the time.) “This shot of money into our economy was very, very significant. It’s part of the reason we have a relatively low unemployment rate,” she says. Only 5.8 percent of Vermont residents are out of work, one of the nation’s lowest rates. State research shows that ARRA funding employed 11,000 people—a small number overall, but a significant one in a small state. Minter says the maintenance was important for keeping economic growth, particularly in tourism, strong.

Other states, however, took a different tack. Arkansas used 81 percent of its money for new projects and none on transit; it also has a higher unemployment rate than Vermont. And unlike other states near the bottom of the list, just 38 percent of its roads are in good condition, according to a report by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, a trade organization.

Have you ever made a large cash withdrawal from a banking machine only to wonder a few days later where all the money went? Think for a moment: Where did the last $100 you spent go? Stop for a minute and write it down. Chances are you can account for most of it, but there may be five, ten, or twenty dollars missing from your list.

Why You Should Track Your Spending

What does it cost you to live each month? Some people under-estimate their expenses because they forget the things that don’t occur every month.

  • Did you include your gym costs even though you pay them once a year?

  • How about your house or car insurance?

  • Did you include the cost of your haircuts, your contact lenses, or your vacation?

  • Do you pay someone to shovel your snow, clean your windows and carpets or do your taxes?

  • What about your vet bills, the flowers for your garden or patio, your best-friend’s birthday present?

Some people under-estimate their expenses because they actually don’t know how much they’re spending on things like take-out, clothes, and coffee. Over and over when I show folks how much money they’re spending on the non-essentials of life, they’re gob-smacked. Well, the only way to make a budget that will work is to know what you have been spending so you get some sense of what you’re going to have to change.

One of the best ways to gain a perspective on your spending habits is to keep a log of everything you spend, each time you do a transaction. The idea is to figure out where you’re spending all those dimes that seem to go missing each month. It’s also about learning more about yourself and where your place your priorities. This isn’t about shame, blame, or deprivation. You don’t have to change anything you don’t want to change. But you should at least know. With a spending log, you’ll have a clear picture of what you’re getting for your money.

When you do all your money management in your head, it’s very easy to forget things — sometimes important things — that will have an impact on your overall financial life. You’re always guessing how much you have left. And you shouldn’t really be surprised when your account is overdrawn. After all, if you don’t know how much you have, how can you know how much you can spend?

If you don’t believe you can find the time to maintain your budget — collecting receipts, entering details onto your budget, adding it all up and balancing it out — think about the time you have to spend solving the problems that arise from not taking care of the details. And think about all the money you waste on overdraft fees, interest costs, and ATM transactions. You’ll have to decide whether you’d rather live life peacefully, or continue waking to the specter of financial worry rattling his chains at the foot of your bed.

The Week in Android <b>News</b> | Android Central

To say this week was packed full of Android news would be an incredible understatement. Phil headed out to Barcelona, and brought us a TON of news from Mobile World Congress this year. We still question whether he got a chance to sleep ...

N. Africa, Mideast protests – Arab League to hold summit on Libya <b>...</b>

Across the Middle East and North Africa, CNN's reporters and iReporters are covering protests, many of them inspired by revolts in Tunisia and Egypt that toppled those countries' longtime rulers. Check out our story explaining the roots ...

ETF DAILY <b>NEWS</b> » Look For Apple Inc.&#39;s Stock To Top Out Near 400 <b>...</b>

What 'news' will create that type of turn is unknown. Interestingly the time frame on a meeting with the top channel line works well with the mid June 2011 8.6 year Marty Armstrong cycle turning point. Given the current strength of this ...

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Thursday, February 17, 2011

personal finance programs

By Douglas K. Smith, Member, Board of Directors, SeaChange Capital Partners

Social impact bonds, a useful experiment underway in England, is gaining attention on this side of the pond, including from the Obama administration. We are glad to see this at SeaChange (a non-profit group seeking innovative ways to bring capital to the non-profit sector). What is deeply concerning, though, is how some elites are packaging and promoting social impact bonds as yet one more example of everything the market does is good while everything government does is bad. Moreover, these same elites betray a stunningly superficial grasp about how markets actually work.

This is lamentable. Think for a moment about a common method among athletic coaches. Whether its tennis, golf, baseball, or any other sport, coaches know that athletes might get the right or wrong results by doing things the right or wrong way. You might win a tennis match with a sloppy forehand – and, ultimately, if you’re to improve your game, you need to win matches hitting forehands correctly. My skepticism, then, is less about using and learning from social impact bonds than about the ‘right result, wrong way’ advocacy that links them to ideological ‘givens’ about always good markets and always bad government. Moreover, this same overly simplistic positioning threatens to create ‘wrong result, wrong way’ outcomes by too easily producing misuses of social impact bonds in ways that cause them to fail.

For those who’ve not heard of them, let’s answer the Times’ David Leonhardt’s question, “What are social impact bonds?”

The short answer: a vehicle offering investors bond-like returns for taking equity-like risks on investing in potential solutions to socio-economic challenges. The key to success lies in the performance results achieved by the social service providers. If yes, investors gain bond-like returns sourced from cash linked to that performance. If the providers fall short, however, investors suffer equity-like losses. A group called Social Finance is experimenting with social impact bonds aimed at reducing recidivism among inmates in a UK prison. If they lower the recidivism rate by 10% greater than comparable prisons, investors gain between 7.5% to 13.5% returns. If the social service providers fail to do this, investors lose their money.

Let’s first look at the ‘right result, wrong way’ chorus on how social impact bonds derive from the wonderfulness of markets. Leonhardt does this. So does Harvard Professor Jeffrey Liebman in a Center for American Progress white paper on the subject.

Both are enthusiastic about how social impact bonds can bring much needed to capital to serious social ills. Terrific! Maybe we’ll get the ‘right result’. But why must each slide into the all-too-predictable ‘either/or-ism’ that bedevils our search for creative solutions to real problems. Not only do they premise support for social impact bonds on the monotonously dumb meme of ‘markets good/government bad’; but, they do so in ways that threaten to add the phrase ‘market discipline’ to ‘free markets’ and ‘shareholder value’ as yet one more entry in the mindless lexicon of the status quo.

Discipline is not a phenomenon uniquely linked only to markets – a point ignored by Liebman and Leonhardt. We can and do speak just as much about organizational disciplines, network disciplines and personal disciplines. What ‘market’, e.g., explains the discipline used by weekend tennis players to hit forehands correctly? Organizations, too, choose the disciplines used to achieve their purposes. Yes, sometimes those choices are influenced by markets – but not always and certainly not always in ways so ideologically implied by Liebman and Leonhardt.

Liebman notes that too many government programs have disciplines that focus more on defining activities than results. But it does not follow logically or empirically that ‘market discipline’ is the only cure when such an activity-focus has ill effects. (I say “when” because, while there are ill effects to address, Liebman’s ‘either/or-ism’ ignores the good effects of an activity-focus in governmental contexts; namely, the means and ends demanded by notions of fairness and due process inherent in some versions of the rule of law.) Most private sector organizations, by the way, also have various forms of activity-driven disciplines that arise from the operations of their hierarchies, management processes and shared values – patterns that emerge notwithstanding the effects of the disciplines imposed by the markets in which they compete. Consider only the long, sad history of American automakers over much of the last three to four decades. For them, activity-driven organizational disciplines trumped ‘market discipline’.

But the flip side is also in evidence. That is, in addition to observable private sector activity disciplines trumping market discipline, we also see plenty of examples of organizational performance disciplines instead of activity disciplines in the absence of any market. Over the past few years, for example, a range of Georgia state government leaders with whom I’ve worked have shifted their agencies toward performance disciplines for services ranging from driver’s license renewals to job preparedness to prison reform to education to highway maintenance and more. Millions of dollars have been put to more productive use, and dozens of innovations plus much better customer service and new capabilities have been spawned – and all in the absence of any discipline derived from any market.

Both/and. Not either/or. The bottom line: markets might impose performance disciplines on organizations. But, contrary to the ‘markets good/governments bad’ trope, there’s neither any guarantee that the existence of a market equates with a disciplined focus on performance nor the inevitability that the absence of a market prevents as much. Why then is there this deep-felt need by elites to hew their conversations to the ideological line of ‘markets good/governments bad’?

The absence of ‘market discipline’, then, does not prevent any agency at any level of government from a shift to performance: it’s a question of leadership and will. Might social impact bonds help? Yes. But it’s not the kind of sine qua non requirement suggested by Liebman’s and Leonhardt’s all-or-nothing use of a phrase like ‘market discipline’.

Next, the ideological use of ‘market discipline’ clothed in ‘market good/government bad’ rhetoric is, well, unreal. Liebman and Leonhardt are smart and accomplished individuals. They’ve been around. So, why the thundering silence about ‘market discipline’ and, ahem, you know, events of the past decade? How did this ideologically pure ‘market discipline’ work out in financial, residential and commercial real estate, health care, and other markets? Leonhardt points to the wasting of ‘billions of dollars’ in government programs. How about the trillions of dollars of value destruction in these arenas subject to ‘market discipline’?

The concept that market discipline guarantees efficiency and effectiveness is fallacious. Nearly four years ago, for example, it was clear that the performance disciplines used by the best non-profit housing groups far outstripped the performance disciplines used by the private sector in terms of delinquencies and foreclosures. Yet, the private sector got all the capital. So much for ‘market discipline’. What happened there? Was there no market discipline? Was there no link between capital markets and competitive performance?

No. Actually, the reverse. Capital market discipline combined with organizational and managerial disciplines to promote a peculiar kind of performance on private sector players. We all know the nice sounding words that were (and are) used for this: earnings, returns, ‘shareholder value’. It’s just that these melodious sounds became ever more narrowly and loudly linked to unsustainable and even criminal greed through the precincts of the shorter-term, the quicker buck, the larger bonus, and the faster, more untraceable shifting of risk to others. Yes, ‘market discipline’ focused all of the various players on performance – banks, mortgage brokers, real estate brokers, hedge funds, ratings agencies, lawyers, accountants and more. But instead of efficiency and effectiveness that maniacal performance focus gave us control fraud, speculation, looting and managerial–and-casino capitalism.

Does that make ‘market discipline’ evil and bad? No. Remember: both/and, not either/or. Liebman and Leonhardt would recoil at anyone who condemned ‘market discipline’ to be banished from human experience based on these gargantuan failures of the past decade. Why, then, do they crow so loudly in favor of market discipline as a panacea for government and social sector ills? Again, why only a reference to the billions wasted by (some) government efforts and not the trillions destroyed by (some) markets?

It’s not a pretty spectacle when a very rich man tells little people they ought to get by with less, particularly when his firm benefitted handsomely from the pump and dump operation that led to the financial crisis.

Pete Peterson, one of the two founders of the Blackstone Group, has had a longstanding campaign against Social Security and Medicare. He’s sufficiently aggressive that to combat consistent poll ratings that show that both programs enjoy substantial support, his foundation set out to generate different survey results by stacking the deck heavily in its favor. As we recounted last July:

For those who did not catch wind of it, the Peterson Foundation, which has long had Social Security and Medicare in its crosshairs, held a bizarre set of 19 faux town hall meetings over the previous weekend to scare participants into compliance and then collect the resulting distorted survey data, presumably to use in a wider PR campaign. It’s important to keep tabs on this propaganda effort, since its big budget (the Foundation has a billion dollars to its name), means it will keep hammering away on this topic. But it appears that they overestimated how much public opinion expensively produced and stage-managed presentations can buy.

The brazenness and ham handedness of these so-called “America Speaks” sessions, which have garnered well deserved criticism on the Internet, is probably due to at least two factors: deluded confidence that the average person will fall into line when a confident and well-credentialed presenter makes a pitch and a stunningly naive belief that aggressive efforts to manipulate opinion and mislabel it as polling would not be called out.

And we also noted:

It is refreshing that this effort failed, but it is a given that the Peterson crowd will go back to the drawing board and figure out a way to credibly produce the answer it wants.

The Peterson Institue’s new ruse is to avoid grownups with fully formed opinions, since they are not amenable to short-form reprogramming. Instead, they are targeting high school students with an anti-deficit “education” program, on the assumption if they can inculcate a belief system, the desired policy choices will follow.

From Remapping Debate (hat tip Dean Baker):

No one has done more than the billionaire private-equity investor Peter G. Peterson to stir America’s anxiety over deficits, debt, and what Peterson (among others) considers out-of-control entitlement-program spending. Those same concerns now lie at the heart of a “fiscal responsibility” curriculum being developed for America’s high schools. The curriculum bears the stamp of Columbia University’s prestigious Teachers College, but reflects the focus suggested by the Peter G. Peterson Foundation, which provided $2.4 million in funding for the project.

Teachers College gave Remapping Debate access to a set of 24 lessons set to be test-taught in four states this spring prior to a wider roll-out in 2011-12. Heavily weighted toward the themes and arguments of Peterson and other deficit hawks, the trial lessons could be seen as part of an effort by one of the country’s wealthiest men, now 82, to spread his gospel to coming generations…

Yves here. Tactically, this is very clever. Education schools are academic backwaters, which means they have no brand to tarnish by association with a venture like this And it’s patently clear what is at work here. Teachers College initially approached the Peterson Foundation to get some modest funding to develop a program about personal finance. The Foundation came back to pitch a completely different concept with ultimately 48 time as much money to the college involved. Guess whose idea prevailed? Back to the article:

[T]he trial lessons repeatedly point toward two core ideas of Peterson’s long crusade: first, that America’s future is threatened by deficit spending, and, second, that Social Security and Medicare have helped put our economy on an “unsustainable course.”

Andrew Fieldhouse, one of several economists asked by Remapping Debate to review parts of the 409-page curriculum, objected strenuously to what he said was a loaded discussion of the debt and deficit, one designed both to fuel alarm and to put undue focus on the spending rather than the revenue side of things.

Fieldhouse, a federal budget analyst at the left-of-center Economic Policy Institute, questioned the practice of treating taxes, spending and fiscal balance as issues unto themselves. “Budgeting is the numeric embodiment of all your national values and priorities,” he said. “It’s about the public goods you want to provide for the nation, and how you pay for them.”

Robert Prasch, an economics professor at Middlebury College, voiced similar complaints about the way the curriculum deals with Social Security. “No effort is made to explore whether, and to what extent, there may or may not be a fiscal crisis facing Social Security,” Prasch said. “It is presumed or taken as an unimpeachable fact.”

In its discussion of Social Security and other issues, the curriculum does sometimes cite materials from liberal as well as conservative sources, but the effort to provide balance is often brief or oblique….

The article is very much worth reading in full, since it discusses the biases and scare messages woven into the indoctrination course in some detail.

Parents may want to make inquiries to see if their children will be among the guinea pigs. If you don’t like the answers, consider writing letters to school administrators, the local media, and the Dean of Columbia University about the propriety of letting a billionaire use high schools as a marketing channel for his long-standing political agenda. At a minimum, Soros should demand equal time.

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Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Analysis And Comment: Old <b>News</b>

A long time correspondent for LabourStart, the online union news service. A member of the Assoc. of United Ukrainian Canadians and the IWW. A founding member of Alberta Labour History Institute and the Alberta Spanish Civil War Memorial ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Analysis And Comment: Old <b>News</b>

A long time correspondent for LabourStart, the online union news service. A member of the Assoc. of United Ukrainian Canadians and the IWW. A founding member of Alberta Labour History Institute and the Alberta Spanish Civil War Memorial ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Analysis And Comment: Old <b>News</b>

A long time correspondent for LabourStart, the online union news service. A member of the Assoc. of United Ukrainian Canadians and the IWW. A founding member of Alberta Labour History Institute and the Alberta Spanish Civil War Memorial ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Analysis And Comment: Old <b>News</b>

A long time correspondent for LabourStart, the online union news service. A member of the Assoc. of United Ukrainian Canadians and the IWW. A founding member of Alberta Labour History Institute and the Alberta Spanish Civil War Memorial ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Analysis And Comment: Old <b>News</b>

A long time correspondent for LabourStart, the online union news service. A member of the Assoc. of United Ukrainian Canadians and the IWW. A founding member of Alberta Labour History Institute and the Alberta Spanish Civil War Memorial ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Analysis And Comment: Old <b>News</b>

A long time correspondent for LabourStart, the online union news service. A member of the Assoc. of United Ukrainian Canadians and the IWW. A founding member of Alberta Labour History Institute and the Alberta Spanish Civil War Memorial ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Analysis And Comment: Old <b>News</b>

A long time correspondent for LabourStart, the online union news service. A member of the Assoc. of United Ukrainian Canadians and the IWW. A founding member of Alberta Labour History Institute and the Alberta Spanish Civil War Memorial ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Analysis And Comment: Old <b>News</b>

A long time correspondent for LabourStart, the online union news service. A member of the Assoc. of United Ukrainian Canadians and the IWW. A founding member of Alberta Labour History Institute and the Alberta Spanish Civil War Memorial ...

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Fox <b>News</b> Caught Smearing Ron Paul | Death and Taxes

Fox News was caught flagrantly deceiving viewers in a smear on Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

How To Use Facebook&#39;s <b>News</b> Feed Filters

Facebook hasn't formally explained the latest upgrade to news feed filters, and some users are confused. Some postings describe the default settings almost like a grand conspiracy to hide updates. Let's set the record straight.

LA REVUE GAUCHE - Left Analysis And Comment: Old <b>News</b>

A long time correspondent for LabourStart, the online union news service. A member of the Assoc. of United Ukrainian Canadians and the IWW. A founding member of Alberta Labour History Institute and the Alberta Spanish Civil War Memorial ...

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Making Money Now

Clearly, the people at NBC have it wrong, but it is not just because they have missed the obvious.  It is, I suspect, because, as part of the liberal culture, those who control the national media believe that equality of outcomes is more important than overall prosperity.  Given the choice between a nation with an average GDP of $100,000 per year, unequally distributed, and a nation with GDP of $20,000 for all, a liberal would choose the latter.  As long as one member of society is driving a Rolls-Royce or sipping Johnny Walker Blue Label on his hundred-foot yacht, no liberal can sleep at night.  What's more, no liberal could ever admit that yacht-owners like Larry Elisson or Paul Allen are the ones who have really made a difference.

Why The Arguments That The Huffington Post Must Pay Bloggers Is Misguided: Payment Isn't Just Money

from the you-made-the-choice dept

We didn't mention the whole AOL buying Huffington Post story earlier this week, because there just didn't seem to be that much to say about it. It was an interesting deal, to be sure, and I'll be curious to watch what AOL does with the property, but, beyond that, it seemed like just another content acquisition deal. However, almost immediately after the deal went through, I started seeing some rumblings on Twitter, picking at the scab that has always annoyed a certain group of people about The Huffington Post: that it doesn't pay most of its writers. Sure enough, it didn't take long for this issue to start to spread, with the inevitable summary line of: "Hey, HuffPo became famous because all these people worked for free, and yet, they don't get a cut of the sale."

That story is now snowballing. Dan Gilmor wrote a blog post arguing that it was the "ethical" thing to do to start paying bloggers. Douglas Ruskoff said that he'd no longer blog on the site for free. And, of course, a bunch of cranky HuffPo contributors have created a whole campaign arguing that Arianna Huffington had no right to sell the site, since it was built off of their free labor.

They're all wrong.

Of course, we've been through this before. Five years ago, Nick Carr tried to argue that all the various big Web 2.0 sites like (at the time) Digg, YouTube and MySpace were really digital sharecroppers exploiting labor. As we argued at the time, this was hogwash. People were using those sites because they provided a valuable service. The reason they provided labor was because they got something of value in return -- whether it was attention or hosting or distribution or reputation.

Three years ago, we saw an almost identical controversy after AOL bought Bebo and musician Billy Bragg demanded some of the $850 million AOL paid (in retrospect, a massively bad decision). Bragg argued that Bebo made this money based on all of the "free labor" of musicians who used the site. But that ignored the fact that those musicians got tremendous value in using the Bebo platform to connect with fans and distribute their music... all for free. The folks who got to keep the money were the ones who took the actual risk. The ones who had to cover the expenses to keep the site and the service running, even when it wasn't making enough revenue. They took the risk, they should get the reward. The people who used the site did so of their own free will knowing quite well that the benefit they got from using the service was worth it to them at the time. Along those lines, if Bebo had struggled and faced bankruptcy instead of a massive buyout, would Bragg have felt obligated to give them money to keep it going? Similarly, if HuffPo had been running out of money, and Arianna had gone back and demanded that those who used the platform pay up retroactively, how would these people have reacted?

There are more ways to "get paid" than with money.

The reason that people chose to blog for free at the Huffington Post was because it's a fantastic platform for exposure. It brings traffic like no one else out there, and if you want to present something in a way that's likely to get more attention than on your own blog that no one visits, posting at HuffPo can be quite a good way to go.

And that's the point: the people who chose -- of their own free will -- to post at the Huffington Post for free did so because they clearly got value out of doing so. Otherwise, why would they have done so in the first place? To then say that the only proper thing is to pay them is completely missing the point. It's an attempt to retroactively go back and change the terms of a deal. If you wanted to get paid directly for what you write, fine, don't write for the Huffington Post. It's that simple. Go out and pitch your stories to publishers who pay freelancers. But don't go back and complain afterwards when the folks who actually did take the risk of putting together the site, financing it, organizing it, hiring the staff, buying the servers, paying for the bandwidth, and building it up so that it was such a successful platform, then get paid for their efforts.

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Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space – This <b>...</b>

You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

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Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space – This <b>...</b>

You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

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Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space – This <b>...</b>

You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

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Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space – This <b>...</b>

You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

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Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space – This <b>...</b>

You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

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Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space – This <b>...</b>

You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

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Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space – This <b>...</b>

You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

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Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space – This <b>...</b>

You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

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Lara Logan of CBS <b>News</b> Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt

Many of the scenes broadcast from Egpyt in recent days have been joyful, but events took a horrific turn for CBS News correspondent Lara.

Scientists, telescope hunt massive hidden object in space – This <b>...</b>

You know how you sometimes can sense that something is present even though you can't see it? Well, astronomers are getting that feeling about a giant, hidden object in space. And when we say giant, we mean GIANT.

Lara Logan, CBS <b>News</b> Correspondent, Sexually Assaulted in Egypt <b>...</b>

Simply put, this is horrific: CBS reporter Lara Logan has reportedly been sexually assaulted in Egypt while covering the uprising there.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Stock Making Money

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Pt2 - How to make money in the stock market, even though it's in the dumps by palynp

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<b>News</b> - Game Developers Conference | February 28-March 4, 2011 <b>...</b>

GDC News and Information Blog. [Welcome to the Game Developers Conference weblog, where you can find the latest news on all of GDC's upcoming events. Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS feed to automatically get the latest news.] ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

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Pt2 - How to make money in the stock market, even though it's in the dumps by palynp

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<b>News</b> - Game Developers Conference | February 28-March 4, 2011 <b>...</b>

GDC News and Information Blog. [Welcome to the Game Developers Conference weblog, where you can find the latest news on all of GDC's upcoming events. Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS feed to automatically get the latest news.] ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

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<b>News</b> - Game Developers Conference | February 28-March 4, 2011 <b>...</b>

GDC News and Information Blog. [Welcome to the Game Developers Conference weblog, where you can find the latest news on all of GDC's upcoming events. Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS feed to automatically get the latest news.] ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

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<b>News</b> - Game Developers Conference | February 28-March 4, 2011 <b>...</b>

GDC News and Information Blog. [Welcome to the Game Developers Conference weblog, where you can find the latest news on all of GDC's upcoming events. Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS feed to automatically get the latest news.] ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

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Pt2 - How to make money in the stock market, even though it's in the dumps by palynp

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<b>News</b> - Game Developers Conference | February 28-March 4, 2011 <b>...</b>

GDC News and Information Blog. [Welcome to the Game Developers Conference weblog, where you can find the latest news on all of GDC's upcoming events. Don't forget to subscribe to our RSS feed to automatically get the latest news.] ...

Facebook CTO Says <b>News</b> Next In Social Revolution

Each week we ask chief technology officers and other high-profile tech decision-makers three questions. This week, Bret Taylor, chief technology officer at Facebook and co-founder and former chief executive of FriendFeed, ...

Nokia Finally Drops Its <b>News</b>: It&#39;s Microsoft | mocoNews

The news everyone has been waiting for has finally come out: Nokia (NYSE: NOK) has done a deal with Microsoft (NSDQ: MSFT), where Windows Phone will become the primary operating system for Nokia's smartphones. The deal will bring brands ...

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When the alarm clock goes off in the morning, do you wish you could turn it off and roll over and go back to sleep? You wouldn't be alone! Thousands of people out there are searching for ways in which they can earn a decent income without having to commute to work every morning. A few have succeeded and many have failed.
There are so many ways in which you can earn money without having to leave your home, it's just a case of finding a method that will be suitable for you! For example, if you are handy with your hands and enjoy arts and crafts, why not start a home business making scrap books or knitting outfits for babies? You could then either open an Internet business or even sell on an on-line auction site. It's all a matter of common sense!

The first thing you need to do is write a list - jobs you would be willing to do and jobs that you wouldn't. You shouldn't do anything that you don't enjoy or aren't familiar with. This will show up and you will not make money! If you don't like photography, don't become a freelance photographer. It's the same principles that would apply to finding any job. If you hated children, you wouldn't become a child minder!

Once you have written this list, you need to determine how much money you would like to earn. Obviously money won't come to you easily, you will need to work for it, and you will have to put in the hours! One thing you will need to remember is that you may sometimes have to make a small investment, and it may take you a while to build up your income.

The Internet is a very handy resource. You need to be aware that there are thousands of sites that will scam you out of your time and money with no guarantee that you will achieve anything after-wards. Still, there is no need to be skeptical. You will need to research your project first, join forums and arm yourself with as much information as you can. The more you know, the more likely you are to achieve your goal.

There are so many sites on the net that are willing to pay you for your time and effort. If it is not a "real" job that you are after, try signing up for "get paid to" schemes. These pay you for completing certain tasks, for example, clicking on advertisements, reading e-mails and filling out surveys. This will earn you money, but at first, it will not earn you very much. The thing you will need to remember when considering this money making scheme, is that referrals are needed to increase your income. The more people you get to sign up under your site I.D, the more money you will make. You will earn a percentage of whatever they make.

The easiest way to get referrals for sites such as these, is to start a blog. Write about the sites you have joined, put your links on it and then promote it. There are so many blog directories on the Internet that will list your website for free, enabling you to generate more traffic to your site, and therefore more referrals. As well as getting paid for these referrals, you can also add other links to your site - put advertisements on there. You will get paid for every time somebody clicks the advertisement on your site. Just have a peek through an Internet search engine, and there are plenty of opportunities available to make money from your blog.

Another way in which you can increase the awareness of your blog is through chatting on chat rooms. Just by starting a simple conversation and allowing them to know that your website exists, you will find yourself getting more referrals and more advertisement clicks. Also, add your website link to the bottom of any e-mails you send or as your signature on any forums that you may be signed up to. The aim is to ensure that as many people know about your blog as possible. The more people that visit, the more money you will earn.

If "get paid to" schemes aren't your cup of tea, why not try freelance working? There are a few sites out there that allow you to use your talent. If you can type or are creative with your words, why not try freelance writing. If you can design a web page, you can also do this freelance. There are so many opportunities, there will be something that you can put your hand to!

The way these freelance websites work, is that there is a list of jobs available and you choose which ones you would like to do. It's simple and honest. You can work in your own time and earn a fair bit of money too! Again, there are opportunities to make more money with these sites. The more people you refer to the site, the more money you will make. You get commission for whatever it is they earn!

Maybe you have an attic or a cellar full of what you class as junk? The phrase - one man's junk is another man's treasure is so, so true! Why not sell these items on on-line auction sites? Thousands of people view these sites every day, one of them is bound to want whatever it is you are selling! You may have to pay a small fee to advertise your item on the site, but this is generally a small percentage of what you decide should be the minimum price the item will be sold for! You will need to remember that you will need to work out the postage of the item for when you send it so that you never cut yourself short!

If you don't have masses of things you want to sell, you could try looking at wholesalers or drop-shippers. These enable you to buy a large quantity of stock for a relatively small amount of money. You can then sell these items for a profit on on-line auction sites, or by starting up your own business.

Again, if you do decide to start your own business, whether it be with home-made items or items from wholesalers, you will need to advertise. There are many sites on the Internet that you can advertise your business for a small free, and sometimes for free!

Perhaps you don't want to use the Internet as a way of making money. Have you ever thought of taking up house-sitting or pet-sitting. You can get background checks for a small fee that would help you start up your own house-sitting business. Make a few flyers, advertise on the Internet on in the paper and away you go. There are so many opportunities, you just need to use your imagination. Maybe you have qualifications in nail art or hairdressing? Why not advertise and then start your own beauty business?

If you do want to use the Internet as a way of making money but don't fancy spending your time clicking on advertisements or starting up your own business, there are options for you to actually have an on-line job. Many offices are now taking to employing "Virtual Assistants." These are basically PA's or secretaries that work from home. You may need some training, but this is a good job to get into!

You could also try out Data-Entry or On-line Typing Jobs as well, again, it's just a matter of knowing where to look.

There are some fantastic sites out there dedicated to helping people who would love to make money at home. It might take a bit of searching and a lot of patience, but eventually you will find something that will work for you!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

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The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday. »

The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday."></a>

The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday."></a>

The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday. »

The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday."></a>

The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday."></a>

The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

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The Sun, Captured From All The Angles - Science <b>News</b>

The 360-degree view will enable early detection of potentially damaging solar storms.

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Weigh on <b>News</b> Corp&#39;s Cable Programming <b>...</b>

Comcast-NBC Deal Could Mar News Corp's Cable Programming Margin.

Jeff Fager to be Named Chairman of CBS <b>News</b> -

Jeff Fager, the executive producer of "60 Minutes," will be named chairman of CBS News, the network announced Tuesday.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

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Cameras + Green Screen + Internet = One amazing window display

You want your brand to be known. You want people to interact with your product. You want it in people’s faces as they walk down the street, but you want the viral ability of the Internet. The solution? Use a green screen to film what will become an interactive display for passers by. Oh, and have people on the Internet be able to take control of it.

That’s the story, given to us by Marcus Wallander, interactive art director at Hyper Island, Stockholm. The results? Simply stunning:

Want to see how it was all done? Here’s a look behind the scenes, as well:

When art meets marketing in a manner such as this, color us impressed. But Marcus wants to make sure that you know he didn’t do it alone. The entire team was involved, and so credit is due to them as well.

  • Beatriz Areilza

  • Gustaf Engström

  • Juliana Oliveira Silva

  • Lucas Lima

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

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Cameras + Green Screen + Internet = One amazing window display

You want your brand to be known. You want people to interact with your product. You want it in people’s faces as they walk down the street, but you want the viral ability of the Internet. The solution? Use a green screen to film what will become an interactive display for passers by. Oh, and have people on the Internet be able to take control of it.

That’s the story, given to us by Marcus Wallander, interactive art director at Hyper Island, Stockholm. The results? Simply stunning:

Want to see how it was all done? Here’s a look behind the scenes, as well:

When art meets marketing in a manner such as this, color us impressed. But Marcus wants to make sure that you know he didn’t do it alone. The entire team was involved, and so credit is due to them as well.

  • Beatriz Areilza

  • Gustaf Engström

  • Juliana Oliveira Silva

  • Lucas Lima

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

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Cameras + Green Screen + Internet = One amazing window display

You want your brand to be known. You want people to interact with your product. You want it in people’s faces as they walk down the street, but you want the viral ability of the Internet. The solution? Use a green screen to film what will become an interactive display for passers by. Oh, and have people on the Internet be able to take control of it.

That’s the story, given to us by Marcus Wallander, interactive art director at Hyper Island, Stockholm. The results? Simply stunning:

Want to see how it was all done? Here’s a look behind the scenes, as well:

When art meets marketing in a manner such as this, color us impressed. But Marcus wants to make sure that you know he didn’t do it alone. The entire team was involved, and so credit is due to them as well.

  • Beatriz Areilza

  • Gustaf Engström

  • Juliana Oliveira Silva

  • Lucas Lima

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

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internet marketing by uniquesofts2009

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

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Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

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Having the right tools and information is crucial to internet marketing. Where a lot of entrepreneurs fail is by not analyzing competitors or the market for their product, as well as other relevant data. Research is also important to get the best priced internet advertising and to make it more effective. Research helps you find the best keywords to use in an internet marketing campaign.

As for advertising, to be most effective, do not limit your ad campaigns to one venue or service, or what seems to be the most popular. An example would be targeting all of your internet marketing ads on Google AdWords, for its reputation and scope. There are millions of users who patron, especially new users, and Yahoo, but also other lesser known Web portals with a large audience. Using other services can also save you quite a bit on your marketing budget.

Another primary area of internet marketing is the creation and management of a Web site and all that goes with it, copywriting, SEO, Web hosting and company branding. Coming from a former business Web designer, there are a lot of myths about what a Web site should look like, and in this list are two different providers that are both effective and cost-efficient. Sites that Web designers and programmers would rather you not know about.

So whether you are considering selling a product or service, or promoting a Blog on the Internet, or already have an established Web site, these free and inexpensive internet marketing resources will arm you with what you need to promote your business effectively and efficiently.

Best Free (and low-cost) Internet Marketing Tools for 2006

Google Analytics: This free internet marketing tool shows you how people find your site, and what actions they take. This information also helps you improve visitor experience. Google Analytics contains over 80 reports and will keep track of the performance of your internet marketing campaigns, including AdWords, email campaigns or any other advertising program. Though free it is a very powerful, yet easy to use tool.

Compete: Similar to Alexa's Web site ranking tool but more efficient, this free internet marketing tool provides additional data that Alexa lacks for U.S. Web sites, including: unique visitor estimates and multi-dimensional scaling (age, sex, location, and gender).

Mpire Research: Primarily for buying or selling products online, especially auctions, at Mpire you can find out how popular a product is, its average sales price and links to vendors selling the item. The Mpire home page is designed for comparison shopping, with the research component available to members. It is a free internet marketing tool that is very valuable for those involved in product sales.

DotComBuilder: This is the Web site that programmers, designers and some eBay sellers do not want you to see! It contains the largest and most comprehensive collection of turnkey business sites, Web site designs and fully functioning Web portals that _any novice_ can set up. This through there automated programs and generators. Their collection includes full-featured e-commerce sites in most any category from real estate to recipes, custom search engines and content databases. The cost is $79.00 with no limit on the number of sites you create or keep. This make DotComBuilder a very affordable Web site and turnkey business solution. offers about the best free internet marketing tools in one place with keyword suggestions, rank analyzer, competitive research and much more. This internet marketing Web site also includes valuable marketing and copywriting tips in its Blog. The useful information and tools here are hard to beat, at any price. Another site that is a bane to Web designers, programmers and even internet marketers. If you want to build your Web site right and have a greater chance of success, SiteSell is a must see site for serious entrepreneurs. Since 1997, continually adds new products and services helping hundreds of thousands of individuals and small businesses. Take advantage of the free tools (such as brainstorming ideas and spam check), the free best-selling internet marketing books or find out how SiteSell can be a one-stop place for most all of your internet marketing, Web site and e-commerce needs. SiteSell offers proof of success and it shows, ranking in the top 250 Web sites in Alexa. With over 15 million hits a month, Craigslist is the 7th most popular U.S. site and includes free classified ads and user forums for 450 cities. Despite the longevity of the site and its popularity, it is often overlooked as a good source of internet marketing. There are very strict guidelines against spam, but for legitimate services and products that you want to get the word out on, Craigslist should be one of your first destinations. Danny Sullivan is a long-time leading authority in search engine news, information and SEO. It is one the best destinations for those wanting to promote their own Web site in the search engines and keep up on the latest developments. There is a learning curve, with information presuming that readers have some knowledge about search engines. At SearchEngineWatch you will find both free internet marketing information and more in-depth material, accessed by having a paid membership. You may also find free internet marketing trials here among the many advertisers as well.

Yahoo! Answers: When you're stumped about something or want diversity this is a free and useful destination for finding good information fast. It does have its downside in that amateurs also provide irrelevant material. Yet, you usually will learn something useful. Yahoo! Answers also provides an opportunity to effectively promote your business (See: "5-Minutes to More Pageviews: Yahoo! I Have an Answer"), making it a good consideration for your internet marketing needs.

CEOExpress - Originally developed for busy executives there is little you can not find on this search portal for business information and research tools. A sampling of categories include: legal, finance, SOHO, legislative, business publications and many other specialized research categories. Making this the eleventh site as the best couldn't be narrowed down to ten. While may offer better ranking information, Alexa is the destination to go for visiting the top sites in any category, including Internet Marketing. The Web sites are also organized by topic, making them much easier to find.

big seminar 14

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

big seminar 14

Arrowheadlines: Chiefs <b>News</b> 2/6 - Arrowhead Pride

Good morning Chiefs fans. A short post of your Kansas City Chiefs news. Nt a lot out there. Enjoy the game today. Hopefully next year, we'll have more than a passing interest. Go Chiefs!

Social Media Goes Viral on Capitol Hill : Roll Call

When Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) decided to run for Minority Leader after Democrats lost the House in November, she wanted to get the news out fast and cast a wide net. So she tweeted it.

Howard Lindzon » Blog Archive » Join Stocktwits Tomorrow at The <b>...</b>

StockTwits is proud to present “News Dissemination in a Social Finance World”. A panel of experts from the traditional financial media world will discuss the changes that are, and will be, taking place in the market as a result of ...

big seminar 14