Wednesday, December 1, 2010

foreclosure statistics

Josh Rosner of Graham, Fisher didn’t predict the collapse of the housing market. He did something more perceptive than that. Back in 2001 (2001!) he identified the changes in the housing market that would lead to the collapse and warned of the possibility. He called his analysis “Housing in the New Millenium: A Home Without Equity is Just A Rental With Debt.”  He saw things no one else at the time saw and he understood the implications. You should be able to find his paper here or here. From the summary:

This report assesses the prospects of the U.S. housing/mortgage sector over the next several years.  Based on our analysis, we believe there are elements in place for the housing sector to continue to experience growth well above GDP. However, we believe there are risks that can materially distort the growth prospects of the sector.   Specifically, it appears that a large portion of the housing sector’s growth in the 1990’s came from the easing of the credit underwriting process.  Such easing includes:

• The drastic reduction of minimum down payment levels from 20% to 0%

• A focused effort to target the “low income” borrower

• The reduction in private mortgage insurance requirements on high loan to value mortgages

• The increasing use of software to streamline the origination process and modify/recast delinquent loans in order to keep them classified as  ‘current’

• Changes in the appraisal process which has led to widespread over-appraisal/over-valuation problems

If these trends remain in place, it is likely that the home purchase boom of the past decade will continue unabated.  Despite the increasingly more difficult economic environment, it may be possible for lenders to further ease credit standards and more fully exploit less penetrated markets. Recently targeted populations that have historically been denied homeownership opportunities have offered the mortgage industry novel hurdles to overcome. Industry participants in combination with eased regulatory standards and the support of the GSEs (Government Sponsored Enterprises) have overcome many of them.

If there is an economic disruption that causes a marked rise in unemployment, the negative impact on the housing market could be quite large.  These impacts come in several forms. They include a reduction in the demand for homeownership, a decline in real estate prices and increased foreclosure expenses. These impacts would be exacerbated by the increasing debt burden of the U.S. consumer and the reduction of home equity available in the home.

Although we have yet to see any materially negative consequences of the relaxation of credit standards, we believe the risk of credit relaxation and leverage can’t be ignored.  Importantly, a relatively new method of loan forgiveness can temporarily alter the perception of credit health in the housing sector.  In an effort to keep homeowners in the home and reduce foreclosure expenses, holders of mortgage assets are currently recasting or modifying troubled loans.  Such policy initiatives may for a time distort the relevancy of delinquency and foreclosure statistics.  However, a protracted housing slowdown could eventually cause modifications to become uneconomic and, thus, credit quality statistics would likely become relevant once again.  The virtuous circle of increasing homeownership due to greater leverage has the potential to become a vicious cycle of lower home prices due to an accelerating rate of foreclosures.

Rosner recently wrote an analysis of the state of the securitization market. It is superb. He argues that it is crucial to re-establish the securitization market. I disagree. But that doesn’t matter. What does matter is his superb analysis of the Dodd-Frank bill. First, he appears to have read it. Second, he shows how much the legislation relies on government agencies implementing the goals of the legislation. Third, he understands that that is not ideal. Fourth, he shows how even if the legislation is implemented according to its intentions, there are still lots of problems. It’s the best analysis I have read of the current state of the market and the likely impact of the financial reform legislation. A must read.

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The media has been so preoccupied with acute symptoms of the debt crisis – sliding home prices, foreclosure abuses, ongoing Euromarket bank/sovereign debt stress, ongoing battles over financial regulation implementation, unhappiness over the Fed’s QE2 – that lingering problems are not getting the attention they deserve.

High on the list is the how the weak job market is affecting new college and advanced degree program graduates. We have an unspoken social contract: young people who get an education, particularly a “good” education (which means more elite universities, more serious courses of study, graduate degrees) are supposed to be rewarded by higher lifetime earnings. And the prospect of higher lifetime earnings in turn makes it rational to borrow to invest in education.

But this whole premise has started to go awry, and the huge uptick in unemployment has started to make matters worse. A guest post at Baseline Scenario by UMass-Amherst students Mark Paul and Anastasia Wilson outlines the grim conditions facing new graduates:

Currently, even after a slight boost in jobs growth, unemployment for 18-24 year olds stands at 24.7%. For 20-24 year olds, it hovers at 15.2%. These conservative estimates, using the Bureau of Labor Statistics U3 measure, do not reflect the number of marginally attached or discouraged young workers feeling the lag from a nearly moribund job market.

The U3 measure also does not count underemployment, yet with only 50% of B.A. holders able to find jobs requiring such a degree, underemployment rates are a telling index of the squeezing of the 18-30 year old Millennial generation.

Take note: half the recently-minted college grads are in jobs that do not require a college degree.

Now if these graduates were going to college for the mere love of learning, and didn’t mind working at Home Depot because they could work on a novel in their garret, this picture might not be quite as terrible as it looks. But I sincerely doubt that anyone in the US goes to college to become a working class intellectual.

But the economic (as opposed to social and personal) value of higher education is exaggerated. The widely-touted College Board claim that lifetime earnings for college grad outpace those of mere high school grads by $800,000 does not stand up to scrutiny. The author of the 2007 study which the College Board relied upon disclaims that estimate and says $450,000 is a better figure. Mark Schneider, a vice president of the American Institutes for Research, who used actual earnings data of graduates ten years after college, and allowed for other factors such as taxes, pegged the difference at $280,000.

And these estimates are averages. Students who are drawn to fields such as architecture, which require advanced education but are not terribly well paid, will fare less well.

In addition, the value of a degree is premised as much on its scarcity and credentialing value as it is on actual gains in skills. If college educations go from a sign of achievement to a mere social norm, do they really provide that much income benefit to the recipient? James Galbraith, in The Predator State, argued that encouraging more people to get college degrees actually lowered its value, but also served the useful social function of delaying entry into the job market, and hence reducing employment pressures.

But students and their parents have been sold on the value of education as an investment, and it isn’t hard to see why. As higher education costs have skyrocketed, more and more students need to borrow to finance their schooling. The Economist gives an overview:

For decades, college fees have risen faster than Americans’ ability to pay them. Median household income has grown by a factor of 6.5 in the past 40 years, but the cost of attending a state college has increased by a factor of 15 for in-state students and 24 for out-of-state students. The cost of attending a private college has increased by a factor of more than 13 (a year in the Ivy League will set you back $38,000, excluding bed and board). Academic inflation makes most other kinds look modest by comparison.

In the stone ages of my youth, many middle class parents could afford to send their kids to Ivy League schools. A year at Harvard, with room and board, is now over $50,000, on a par with median household income.

And perversely, student loans are the only form of consumer debt that is virtually impossible to discharge in bankruptcy. Per FindLaw:

Thanks to a provision the 2005 Bankruptcy Abuse Prevention and Consumer Protection Act signed into law by then President George W. Bush, the current law only allows the discharge of private student loans in bankruptcy after a showing of “undue hardship,” the same requirement that is made for federal or non-profit backed student loans. Undue hardship requires a separate showing to a bankruptcy judge proving, in essence, that the borrower would never be able to pay off the loan. This is an extremely difficult legal standard to meet.

New graduates are, or at least should be, very attractive to employers. Someone who can’t find a good job right out of school will face even higher hurdles down the road. Paul and Wilson describe how high unemployment rates for young people represent a an economic and ultimately a social problem:

Recent college graduates, those in the labor force with the freshest batch of knowledge and skills, are currently underwater and sinking fast with unprecedented student loan and personal debt. Average student debt for the class of 2008 was $23,200, an increase over four years of about 25%, meaning that students are knee deep in negative equity between their educational investment and actual earnings.

Between inflated student debt and the lack of available jobs for qualified graduates, students are defaulting at an all time high level of 7.2%. From 2008 to 2009, student debt defaults jumped about 30% to $50.8 billion. This earning-to-debt gap not only hurts lending institutions, but also may affect students’ future abilities to borrow – a significant hurdle in our credit driven economy.

If student debt and job stagnation continue, younger workers will face real structural unemployment (as opposed to the fake kind that had been suspected by some economists, but was recently debunked by the San Francisco Fed). The more time these young workers spend unemployed and underemployed, the greater chance for future structural unemployment due to deteriorating human capital.

High debt, high defaults, and low family earnings will prevent many students from finishing college at all. High unemployment for those who do manage to graduate with a degree will create barriers for those unable to start their careers.

This is a slow motion train wreck. Optimistic estimates of economic recovery project unemployment reverting to pre-bust norms by 2015; more realistic forecasts put it at years later. And the more students drop out of college, the worse job market pressures become.

At the end of their piece, Paul and Wilson make a persuasive case for action:

In order to solve future structural problems in the United States and ensure a future for the sandwich generation, fiscal policy focused on educational and job growth is crucial. While deficit hawks may squawk about the costs, the burden of repayment is on younger people. Without adequate education and careers for students, we will never be able to balance the budget. In the long run, it makes more fiscal sense to create jobs and collect tax revenue than to rely on a model that merely waits for the private sector to invest.

But the “long run” and “fiscal sense” don’t count for much in deficit debates. Sadly, the very real plight of this cohort is certain to be ignored unless they can find a way to make their needs heard.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

eric seiger do

CBS <b>News</b> Is Replacing Its &#39;Early Show&#39; Anchor Lineup -

In a dramatic facelift, CBS News is replacing the entire weekday anchor team of "The Early Show" with their weekend counterparts.

Doug McKelway To Fox <b>News</b>: Anchor Who Threatened To Punch Blogger <b>...</b>

Doug McKelway, the Washington, DC anchor who notoriously threatened to punch a gay blogger in the face, has been hired by Fox News after being fired from his local news job, the Washington Post reports. McKelway was let go by WJLA-TV ...

Wayne Besen: The Failure of Cable <b>News</b> to Follow Up

f the cable networks insist on setting the stage for those who tell whoppers, such as the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins, the least they can do is carve out time the following evening to correct the mistruths.

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